Welcome to the wild world of Stella and Audra. So if you found us your probably familiar with our style and more notably, our characters. Our stories dance on the razors edge of the knife, taking you to places you wouldn't normally go, and keeping you there. Our heroes and heroines arent your run of the mill. Take a walk down the darkside of the street with us, through the backalleys and into the underbelly of society. Go on... you know you want to.
What would you give for a second chance? Astrid, a witch, has often wondered what would happen if her lover, Fallon, a teleport demon, came back to her. After a year apart it seems fate will being them together once more, and their relationship is going to be tested with a new threat to their lives and the lives of their friends. A reckoning is coming, and its time to choose sides. When the exiled demon prince Cassiel gives Astrid an offer she can’t refuse, will her relationship with Fallon pay the price?
Sugar and Sin
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I  present to you  the  Astrid Candle! done in the style that the Heroine of Sugar and Sin approves of, the Astrid candle is the first in a 9 candle series for the Eververse books.  Done in crulean blue and ivory swirl, whith an imbedded Image of the plantary symbol for earth, it represents every major character in Sugar and Sin, Astrid, Fallon and Casha.  ooh and the scent? Apples and Spice, just like the scent Astrid wears.

You will be able to win one  this fall. Until then, you can pick one up at Studio 3b.

~Sugar and Sin will be in bookstores Feb 2007 in PRINT

~Stella and Audra will be attending the romantic Times convention this coming April in Houston TX.

~ The Price sisters were named Love Romances and More's Rising Stars for November!
Eververse. My kind of heroes, my kind of demons, my kind of steam. The Price sisters have created my kind of fantasy.
-Luna Carrol-Erotic Author

"The pairing of Stella and Audra Price is an Author team whose dual voice is powerfully dark -
and heatedly delicious!"
-Jannalee Ruschhaupt
Site designed and maintained by Stella Price. All content © Stella and Audra Price. No part of this website may be reproduced without the sole permission of the Authors. All rights Reserved.
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