The Sisters.

Stella and Audra Price are sisters who have always shared their love of writing, even as children. Now in their twenties, they have created a complete world from the voices in their heads which they have deemed the Eververse. They both have similar interests in makeup, horror movies, dogs and a love of a good bottle of wine; they rarely disagree, unless it ' s over the last glass of that wine.

They live in a small converted farm house which is home to their menagerie of animals including 10 huskies, three cats, a fish called Claude, Linus the English Bulldog, Zorro the king of beasts and Stella ' s very Evil ? the Moo ?

They can often be found at their local wine club, tasting various vintages and bringing the finest home with them. Both are avid adventurers and love to accept any new challenge that ' s offered to them.


Although relatively young, Audra has enjoyed her fair share of life. Now engaged to her ? high school sweetheart ? she hopes to be married in 07. She ' s a fully qualified make-up artist and enjoys meeting new people. Audra has been showing and racing her huskies, competitively since the tender age of eight.

Top three films.

    * Transformers the movie
    * Sean of the Dead
    * Fear and loathing in Las Vegas

Three things she loves.

    * Sunday morning Animal documentaries, the type with orphaned animals growing up against the odds.
    * All types of Cheese, on anything edible.
    * The simple things

Three things she loathes.

    * Cold or frozen chocolate.
    * Warm bread trying to pass its self off as toast.
    * Housework

Three Hollywood crushes.

    * Kris Kristofferson.
    * Johnny Depp. (She ' d love to go for a drink with him and pick his brain, however she accepts that they are both happy with their lives where they stand and it would never work between them.)
    * Tygra from the Thundercats.

Favorite saying/quote.

Cleric: [ reading ] And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths, and carp and anchovies, and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit-bats and large chu...

Brother Maynardd: Skip a bit, Brother...

Cleric: And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it. ~Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Favorite animal:

Tigers, she likes Tigers.


Stella, the more experienced of the two sisters, has done many exciting things in her life. She ' s been a model, an ice cream slinger, a custom designer, and a tour manager. Throughout this all, art has always been an integral part of her life and she excels in sculpting, even though her drawing skills are somewhat lacking. Her knowledge of Starwars and Lord of the Rings Trivia remains unparalleled.

Stella is a voracious reader who loves movie quotes and video games. She ' d kill too meet Poppy Z Brite and thank her for getting the ? writing bug ? into her.

Top three films.

    * Labyrinth.
    * Legend.
    * Drop Dead Fred

Three things she loves;

    * Pirates.
    * Tarot.
    * Lavender

Three things she loathes.

    * Meatloaf.
    * The gingerbread man.
    * Clowns

Three Hollywood crushes.

    * James Purefoy (Good Gravy! Please just give her 24 hours with him.)
    * Sean Bean (You ' ve got to love a guy typecast as the sexy bad guy)
    * Clive Owen (She has fantasies of him, a tub of cool whip and red rope licorice)

Favorite saying/quote.

Man I'm so bad I kick my own add twice a day" ~Dolomite~

Favorite animal.

Platypus, although she is rather fond of the Pangolin.


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Astrid's Crypt
Immortal Castle Blog

Strictly Sirens
Wicked Writers
Dark Authors

MardiGras Publishing
Forbidden Publications
Cobblestone Press

Friends and Cohorts
Cara North
Skylar Sinclair
Susan Green
Bianca D'Arc
Luna Caroll
Jackie Coupe
Ann Cory
Diane Merlin
Adra Steia
Teresa Wayne
Rene Lyons
Leah Vaughn
Sabrina Luna
Janet Durbin
Bridget Midway
Leigh Ellwood
Alessia Brio

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