By Genre
Tease Publishing LLC is a closed submissions publisher but has an open call for its Imprint, Tease Tarot, and various other charity projects. Please read further to see what is available. Please note, the only way to be asked to submit to Tease Publishing is to submit to the open calls.
site Ó Tease Publishing LLC, 2007-2008. Al rights reserved. If you have a problem with the site, please contact the web mistress
Dark Tarot

The Dark tarot is a series of dark literature from all corners of the literary world. Erotic, Romantic, Horror, Suspense, General Fiction, Alternative lifestyles… The possibilities are endless! This series will be ongoing through 2008, and will start going print late 2008 through 2009.

All stories MUST have the theme of the tarot card your writing for, and has to be a dark story. Let us clarify, dark meaning: paranormal, horror, mystery, suspense, urban or dark fantasy, contemporary, ALL GENRES (except YA) and categories will be considered!

When writing the story you can tie the card in in several ways. 1) using the meaning provided, 2) using a meaning that implies the artwork, 3) using the card itself in the story. Some cards fit certain themes better then others, and we are looking for the best fit for each card.
25-100k in length,  please only submit ONE STORY PER CARD.

We are NOT looking for:
    * Bestiality (weres are NOT counted in this!)
    * Pedophilia. Period.
    * Necrophilia (Vampires do not count, nor do ghouls or zombies)
    * Any bodily waste including watersports
    * Incest
    * Serious injury, rape or snuff portrayed in a positive light
    * stereotypes of a derogatory nature
Please don’t send any.

Submissions open September 1st -March 31st

When submitting:

~ Cover letter (please make sure to include your publishing history, If any, and your website address!)
~ Full final polished manuscript OR if writing longer then 40k first 3 chapters and full Synopisis
~RTF format only, .5 all around, Justified
~Indicate What card you are trying for in the subject line in this format:

Card Name, Author, Title, Length

~ Marketing Plan (what are YOU going to do to help promote this series and your chosen card?) ***Please note that If a Marketing Plan isn’t submitted with your submission you will NOT be read.***

This series has a full marketing plan already in effect. If your selected as an author please know that we will ask that you do promotions for the series and the individual cards that includes Chats, interviews, signings(once we go print), blogging and myspacing.

Submit to:
Please Note: the Death Card has been closed to submissions.
Charity Anthology

Charity Anthology: Unconditional Love (to benefit the Rolling Dog Ranch)

Tease Publishing is putting together 2 charity anthologies for the Rolling Dog Ranch (,

A non-profit organization that takes in and cares for animals with special needs. While no animal is turned away at RDR, their indigenous population is mainly dogs, cats and horses, all with severe handicaps such as neurological issues, Spinal problems, missing limbs, blindness, deafness and other extremely debilitating problems that animals cannot survive with without care.

They have a large ranch facility and rely on the donations sent in from several sources, but as most NPO’s go, they are only scraping by.  The owners are very active with their animals and keeping the website up to date with the progress as well as putting out both electronic newsletters and a monthly print one about the welfare of the regular and new additions to the RDR family, and we at Tease Publishing feel this is a just and worthy cause to contribute to.

All proceeds from the sale of this book will go towards the Rolling Dog Ranch, to help provide for these special animals. With 40 dogs, a 300 square foot building that’s a  Cat house for their ever growing cat population, 25  blind horses and at least two donkeys, we feel they need all the help they can get. We would love to be able to help them, and we need your help to do it!

Tease Publishing is asking for submissions from animal lovers from all walks of life in both the fiction and the non-fiction genres to help build this anthology. Stories can be anywhere from 5k to 45k and must involve an animal in some way (but not hurt or dead… unless its in a positive manner).

Give us your shifter stories, your sweet romances where an animal brings the couple together, your mysteries, your ghost stories, Sci-fi’s, personal memoirs, chick lit, general fiction… anything that involves those who give unconditional love: animals!

This anthology will be in both E book and Print simultaneously, and will be available at ARe, FW and all online print booksellers, as well as available to brick and mortar stores. All proceeds will go to the Rolling Dog Ranch.

Submission Info:

Submissions open January 1st and run to March 1st.
Publication is June 2008
All Submissions have to be between 5-45k
All submissions have to either feature an animal or involve one in a positive manner.
Submissions can be Fiction or Non-fiction and in any Genre from contemporary romance straight down to military suspense. There is no limit to the genre.
Non-fiction must be a memoir or an essay about an animal or instance in your live where an animal played a significant roll.

Submissions must include:

Subject of email: Charity Anthology, Author name Fiction or Non-Fiction
Cover letter: Author info, including Website, blurb, and previous published works.
Polished manuscript in RTF, formatted, justified, 1.5 line spacing, .5 all the way around.

Please send in a polished manuscript. The cleaner it is the better the chances are of getting chosen for this anthology.

All Submissions should be sent to: starting January 1st and any questions about this Anthology should be address as: Charity Anthology: Unconditional Love Query to the same address.
Tease Tarot:
The Death card and the Emperor, Justice and The Magician, The World, Judgement, card have been closed from submissions. All other cards are open and still looking for some more quality work.