In the spirit of the holidays, we have decided to give away some e books! Have you been interested in reading our work, but scared to take the chance? Well here is your chance!
Audra and I will be giving away ONE SET of each out books to 7 lucky winners just in time for Christmas!
So you wanna win? Fill out the form below by December 22nd 2009. Winners will be announced on the blog on December 23rd 2009. Good luck!
And dont forget: We have FREE books available on All Romance E books as well!
DISCLAIMER: Offer open to anyone interested in our books. These are prizes given for promotional purposes. Please do no redistribute these books via any avenue. Piracy is a crime and not only takes $ out of my pocket for my hard work, but ensures that publishing will be that much harder in the long run. You believe you should be paid for your hard work don't you? Well so do we.